
Monday 1st July 2024

Have your say as we plan closer links with merger partners Places for People

Ahead of that Transfer we’re giving customers a further chance to comment on the proposal and ask us about any matters they feel remain unclear. Every customer will receive a copy of the survey form and a reply paid envelope to return it in. You can fill in the form online if you prefer – see links below. You have until 4 August to respond.

A Transfer of Engagements is a process where the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of one organisation are transferred to another. Under this arrangement, all of SDR’s operations, assets, and liabilities will be fully integrated into Places for People Living+ Limited.

In return, SDR and its customers will benefit from the resources and expertise of Places for People. Since March we have already seen increased stability and extra resources and the proposed transfer of engagements will mean we can invest more into existing homes, services, local communities and building more new homes.

We understand that customers may still have concerns about how this transfer will affect them as individuals. To put people’s minds at rest, we’ve produced a further set of Questions and Answers covering the issues most likely to concern people.

This set of Questions and Answers is in the pack sent to every customer’s home; it’s also available online by following the link below; and these Q&As will also be published in the summer edition of your SDR newsletter, which should come through your letter box around 15 July.

Other ways you can feed back your views or ask questions are:

  • Face-to-face meetings with SDR Managers, which you can arrange by phoning or emailing us
  • Virtual meetings via video link, which you can also arrange by phoning or emailing us
  • Email or postal messages sent by email or to our Totnes office address
  • Telephone contact – phoning in and speaking to a member of staff.

Office address: South Devon House, Babbage Road, Totnes, TQ9 5JA

Email address:

Phone number: 01803 863550

All your feedback will be shared with the SDR Board at its meeting on 12 August 2024 before a final decision on the Transfer of Engagements is made by shareholders.

Now, here are the links to the online options:
Questions and Answers: CLICK HERE
Survey form: CLICK HERE

We look forward to speaking to you or hearing from you.

Remember - the consultation ‘window’ is open from 1 July to 4 August inclusive.