
Wednesday 24th May 2023

Tell us how we're doing and you could win a £25 Amazon voucher!

 Following new Government guidance, we are giving SDR tenants the chance to let us know how their housing provider is doing.

The results will feed into a new system introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing to assess how well social housing landlords in England are doing at providing good quality homes and services.

The survey should take only 15 minutes to complete and the feedback we receive from you will be invaluable in helping us to understand any issues you are experiencing - or any gaps in service.

It’s important that your views are counted, so please return the form to us by 1 August 2023.

Thanks in advance for your help with this important feedback survey.

Every feedback form we receive will go into a draw and the first name out of the hat will win a £25 Amazon voucher.

Download the survey HERE or If you prefer, you can complete the survey ONLINE or on a paper form that you will receive with your copy of the SDR Summer Newsletter, which arrives in June. Once you’ve filled in the paper form with your answers, please put it in the reply-paid envelope provided and post it back to us by 1 August, 2023.